Thursday, 7 August 2008

Day 1

Up at 6.30 am for a 4 mile training ride to Lands Ends and back.
After a marvelous breakfast, we set off again to Lands End to check in and as tradition demands have our photograph taken by the famous Signpost. At 10.02 am we set off on our epic end to end journey. The first hour or so went smoothly until we took a detour to shelter box HQ, which was sat the top of what at the time we all thought must be the steepest hill in the UK ( on day 2 we discovered we were wrong). The Shelter box is a charity that sends relieve emergency boxes to disaster areas where ever and when ever they occur around the world. Shelter box treated us all to some very fine Cornish pasties, which helped us on our way, and also guided us on our to Bodmin, where we stayed at the Casi Casa. Whilst in Bodmin we had an excellent dinner in Bodmin Jail. Beer of the day was appropriately "Jail Ale".

Distance: 66 Miles
Riding Time 4hours 30 min
Weather Mixed but mainly sunny (Rob got sun burnt)

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